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-Hello everybody. I am JOHN. Welcome to my channel ” TOTAL IDIOTS FAILS”. Have you ever owned a boat? If not, then watch the videos to get the experience before owning a boat. My channel will sum up the EXPENSIVE BOAT FAILS and BOAT CRASH everywhere in the world.
-To create this video: I will upload 1 video every day. I search and collect legal short videos from channel viewers to compile, script to create a 3-minute video with content for entertainment and education. Each video will be edited by me with premier pro software and added witty comments to each video with my voice. The videos will be clearly scripted and detailed for viewers to enjoy. The video is for entertainment and educational purposes only so that everyone has a lot of experience in managing the boats
-I have used the right visualization which abides Youtube’s fair user policy. All the videos I use follow the Copyright Disclaimer section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, which allowed “fairly used” for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news, reporting, teaching, scholarships, and research.
-I use different stock footages : “Both Free And Paid”. All of which falls under fair use. Clips of videos that I can find related to the video and search images to visualize the narrative and story that I’m trying to tell.
→ Website https://johncreatorcontent.wixsite.com/total-idiots-fails
→ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/people/TOTAL-Idiots-FAILS/100088508412425/
→ Channel intro video: https://youtu.be/I5X8oBtYtsQ
→ For copyright matters please contact us at: buiantuenhi@gmail.com
-Thank you for watching our video

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