I visited an ABANDONED TORPEDO Base in Dagestan

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Off the coast of the Caspian Se, lie the ruins of a top-secret Soviet torpedo testing facility. Built before the Cold War, this fortress of isolation once developed and tested some of the most powerful weapons of its time.

#muslimrevert #russia #dagestan #travel #Дагестан #explore

Check out my other Documentaries :
72 hours inside Russias most conservative Republic https://youtu.be/8V2FbXMxHbs
THE REGION that Russians told me to NOT TO GO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC-D6Eakd0s
48 HOURS inside Russia’s WRESTLING NATION https://youtu.be/OKw23cQHERw

00:00 In the middle of the water ?
00:33 Where it all beginns
01:00 Biggest Mosque in Europe InshaAllah
01:46 Pollution in the Caspian Sea
02:22 How to get there ?
03:00 Best drivers in Dagestan (water & road)
03:43 How did they test torpedos ?
04:26 How did they live in such a place
04:40 Kaspiysk vs Baku
05:00 Why did this place shut down ?
05:30 What is left of it
07:31 дорогой Кавказ

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