Joe Biden Mini Gaffe-Fest: Thanksgiving Address: Mumbles, Stumbles , Bumbles & Fails

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Joe Biden urged Americans to resist surrendering to the “fatigue” and come together with the shared goal of defeating the enemy, echoing calls of public health officials who are calling for the nation to scale down their Thanksgiving celebrations. The speech was given in Delaware.

Former Vice President Joe Biden is the Democratic candidate for the Presidential election in 2020. Nicknamed ‘Sleepy” Joe by many of his adversaries, Mr. Biden gives them plenty of opportunity to take jabs at his intelligence and viability by making some of the worst, thoughtless comments and gaffes one could imagine. Joe Biden has made many, many bad comments in his speeches that were untrue, inaccurate and , well, completely hilarious. He has turned into the “Meme machine” for the Republican right. Mr. Biden has been caught not paying attention at the wrong times and sticking his foot in his mouth with really bad quotes. He has also become a favorite target of the President of the US, Donald Trump. Is he the man you want to lead this Country with all the craziness going on???

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Music Credits:
Artist: Alge
Title : A Simple Feeling

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